▸ filter<Q, T>(arr
: Q, callback?
: ArrayCBT<T, boolean>, thisArg?
: unknown): T[]
A more-or-less spec-compliant Array filter.
The publicly available polyfill on MDN as of mid-April, 2021 differs dramatically from the map polyfill. This implementation attempts to bridge the two.
Type parameters:Name | Type | Default | Description |
Q | unknown | unknown[] | The type of the array-like being provided. |
T | - | Q[keyof Q] | The type of elements in the array-like being provided. |
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
arr | Q | The input array-like to filter. |
callback | ArrayCBT<T, boolean> | The callback provided to produce booleans. This iteratee is invoked with three arguments: value, index|key, and arr. It should return false for items to exclude. |
thisArg | unknown | The value to use as this when executing callback. |
Returns: T[]
T[] - The filtered results.
Defined in: safe/array/filter.ts:25